Assistant doctor Patrick Litsch
Dear patients,
Welcome to our practice homepage.
Please use our online appointment service!
We ask you to place orders for prescriptions and transfers via our answering machine or the contact form.
As usual, our team dedicated to your health will be happy to assist you by telephone if you have any further concerns.
If you cannot reach us by phone, please write an email.
We will usually respond the same day, latest after 24 hours.
Your prescription or transfer can be picked up the following working day from 9:00 a.m. To issue it, we need your insurance card at the beginning of each quarter .
Only then is a hand over possible!
Please make an appointment for externally newly prescribed medication!
If you are satisfied, it would be nice if you
Rate us on Google .
If you are dissatisfied, we welcome constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement so that we can continually improve. Thanks for that.
Your Dr. med. Ulrich Walther,
Further training assistant Patrick Litsch
and the practice team
If you have flu-like symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, hoarseness or fever, we kindly ask that you only come to our practice after consulting us by telephone. In this case, to protect all of our patients, we also insist on wearing a medical mouth and nose mask before entering the practice. In addition, a (negative) Corona rapid test should have been carried out.
For your health
We are your experienced general practitioner practice in Wiesbaden-Bierstadt.
In addition to a wide range of general medicine, our services also include palliative medicine and basic geriatric care (geriatric medicine). We are also happy to support our patients in the context of preventative health care. Dr. Ulrich Walther has been supported by his training assistant and successor Patrick Litsch since 2022.
Our practice takes part in the HZV family doctor program .
MFA wanted!
We are looking for MFA (m/f/d) in 50% or 100% employment to strengthen our team and look forward to receiving your application. Fluent German ist obligatory.
We educate and continue. Please send applications for (student) internships, traineeships or MFA training to our email address or by post to Dr. med. Ulrich Walther. We are looking forward to it.